GaN Semiconductor Modules: Challenges and Future Opportunities

Show notes

This episode discusses the efforts that need to be made to bring GaN power modules to market and the opportunities that new chip and packaging technologies offer. Dominik Koch confirms that GaN semiconductors can deliver better performance in various applications and performance classes. Last but not least, the characterization of GaN using calorimetric measurements and double pulse testing will be addressed, with both agreeing that this combination improves the accuracy of virtual prototyping and digital twins.

In episode 11 of the PCIM Podcast, Dominik Koch from the University of Stuttgart discusses the challenges and future opportunities of GaN Semiconductor Modules.

More information can be found here:

Show transcript

00:00:00: (ethereal music)

00:00:01: - "Sound on. Power on," your power electronics podcast,

00:00:06: powered by PCIM Europe.

00:00:09: - Hello, everybody, and welcome to the 11th episode

00:00:12: of "Sound on. Power on," your power electronics podcast,

00:00:16: powered by PCIM Europe.

00:00:18: My name is Marco Jung.

00:00:19: I'm a professor for eMobility and electrical infrastructure

00:00:23: at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Science

00:00:25: at Sankt Augustin, as well as head

00:00:28: of Department Converter and Electrical Drives

00:00:30: at the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics

00:00:33: and Energy System Technology at Kassel.

00:00:37: Both are located in Germany.

00:00:39: Additionally, I'm the chairman

00:00:40: of the IEEE joint IES/IAS/PELS German chapter,

00:00:46: IEEE PELS Region 8 vice chair, Germany,

00:00:49: and active member of several national

00:00:52: and international committees and communities.

00:00:55: And today, our technical theme

00:00:57: is GaN semiconductor models' challenges

00:01:00: and future opportunities, and this I will discuss

00:01:04: with Dominik Koch from the University of Stuttgart.

00:01:07: Hello, Dominik, how are you?

00:01:10: - Hi, thanks for welcoming me.

00:01:11: I'm fine, and thanks for asking.

00:01:13: How are you?

00:01:14: - Fine as well, so thank you.

00:01:16: You are a group leader and scientist

00:01:18: in view of obtaining a PhD degree.

00:01:21: I think that is a different way of looking at the things.

00:01:26: Please tell us a little bit of your work life,

00:01:28: and how it is possible to combine your group leadership

00:01:32: at the university and your academic goal.

00:01:35: - Yeah, that's, you can sum it up in two words.

00:01:38: It's quite a crazy work life,

00:01:40: positively formulated, is very diverse.

00:01:43: So there are a lot of different responsibilities,

00:01:45: especially in project acquisition and also in the,

00:01:49: let's say, the technical area

00:01:50: in supporting the different projects.

00:01:53: And this brings some advantages.

00:01:55: So I see topics, or I experience topics,

00:01:59: beside my actual PhD topics.

00:02:01: So, for example, we have projects which uses AI in,

00:02:05: for example, failure analysis or control,

00:02:07: and lifetime and reliability testing,

00:02:09: which were not original topics in my, let's say,

00:02:12: PhD thesis or in my PhD work.

00:02:16: And therefore, this is a very nice combination,

00:02:18: in my opinion, but it requires, of course,

00:02:20: a lot of good time management because you, yeah,

00:02:24: I mean a PhD is already more than a full-time job,

00:02:26: and then the group leader part is also quite challenging

00:02:30: regarding the time, but it works with, like I said,

00:02:34: good time management and also in the collaboration

00:02:37: with my colleagues, so the other PhDs,

00:02:39: and together with the professor

00:02:41: and the administrative project management,

00:02:44: this is the only way it's possible.

00:02:47: - Well, that sounds really good,

00:02:48: and I think so really hard stuff, in this case.

00:02:51: So can you tell us your theme of your PhD thesis?

00:02:56: - Yeah, so I'm currently in the writing verses,

00:02:59: and it will head in the direction

00:03:00: of intelligent GaN power modules.

00:03:02: So I did the research there

00:03:05: in low-voltage, high-current GaN modules

00:03:08: and how to integrate sensors, how to integrate a good way

00:03:12: of parallelization of GaN transistors

00:03:14: to reach higher output currents.

00:03:16: And, I mean, this intelligent word, intelligent branding,

00:03:19: is always a very right definition, but in our case,

00:03:23: it means that we want to bring sensor outputs

00:03:26: to a system level so that, for example,

00:03:28: a system-level designer can use the temperature

00:03:31: or current information from inside the module in the control

00:03:34: or over temperature protection.

00:03:36: This is somehow the goal of my PhD work.

00:03:39: - Well, that sounds really nice and fits really good

00:03:43: to our episode right now.

00:03:45: It's a different episode of "Sound on. Power on."

00:03:48: We discuss several topics related to power electronics

00:03:51: and future trends, especially, we addressed, in one episode,

00:03:55: wide-bandgap semiconductor at application level,

00:03:59: and now, we see it's a market,

00:04:01: arrived silicon carbide-based semiconductors, for example,

00:04:04: in PV inverters, and in the community,

00:04:07: everybody speaks from the alternative, GaN semiconductors.

00:04:11: And this is what we want to address today

00:04:14: in our technical theme.

00:04:17: So let's have a look into the future,

00:04:19: and let's assume that gallium nitride semiconductor models

00:04:23: are available on the market.

00:04:24: What are the technology advantages

00:04:26: compared to the silicon carbide,

00:04:28: and what are the disadvantages?

00:04:30: Can you tell us a little bit about this?

00:04:33: - Sure, I mean, it's quite clear

00:04:35: and also shown in many presentations,

00:04:37: but I think the main advantages of gallium nitride

00:04:40: in comparison to silicon carbide

00:04:42: is that you have lower switching and conduction losses

00:04:46: if you compare it to the same, let's say, die area.

00:04:49: So the well-known figure of merits,

00:04:51: and hard and soft switching,

00:04:53: and all different other figure of merits are better,

00:04:56: and therefore you can get potentially a higher efficiency.

00:05:00: And this better figure of merits also results

00:05:03: in a potential higher switching frequency,

00:05:05: and there, you just have to take a look

00:05:06: on what is already available on the market,

00:05:08: all these mobile and laptop chargers,

00:05:11: which are significantly smaller

00:05:12: than the silicon counterparts,

00:05:14: and the size reduction also comes from the smaller footprint

00:05:18: of the GaN dice.

00:05:19: So if you take a look on a GaN semiconductor

00:05:22: with the same RDS(ON) rating as the silicon

00:05:25: or silicon carbide transistor,

00:05:26: then it's significantly smaller.

00:05:29: There's no free lunch, so in my opinion,

00:05:31: the main disadvantages are that, again,

00:05:33: with the smaller footprint,

00:05:35: you have a higher thermal challenge.

00:05:38: So it's very difficult, or not that easy, to get the heat,

00:05:42: the lost power out of the transistor,

00:05:43: and therefore, the thermal design is much more crucial

00:05:46: than in the past with big transistors,

00:05:49: and especially, I think, for drive applications,

00:05:52: the avalanche reliability is one thing,

00:05:55: so since we have a lateral, typically, unipolar device

00:05:58: with gallium nitride, the avalanche is not that good,

00:06:01: as with SiC, and also, in the past, with discrete devices,

00:06:06: the gate voltage robustness, and therefore,

00:06:09: the gate handling, is a thing

00:06:11: where the designer have to take a look into,

00:06:13: which is not that easy as with silicon or SiC,

00:06:15: which have a higher voltage margin at the gate.

00:06:18: And, I think, at the moment, or up to now,

00:06:21: the voltage rating is limited, in comparison to SiC, again,

00:06:25: since it's a lateral device, in most cases,

00:06:28: you don't have the possibility

00:06:30: to scale the breakdown voltage to, yeah,

00:06:33: to any extent you want, and these are the disadvantages,

00:06:36: in my opinion, which are currently tried to be solved also

00:06:40: in research.

00:06:41: - Mm-hmm, I think, so that is the point why GaN models

00:06:45: are not available at the market nowadays,

00:06:48: or better in the mass production right now,

00:06:50: although we must solve a lot of problems,

00:06:53: and what are the challenges in making it possible

00:06:56: to design large power converters?

00:06:58: Do we need new packaging, new model concept?

00:07:03: - Yeah, so, I think, on model level,

00:07:06: you always have to have a trade-off

00:07:08: between the thermal and electrical performance.

00:07:10: So if you think of the classical modules

00:07:13: for silicon carbide, they typically have some kind of DBC

00:07:16: or ceramic base plate,

00:07:19: and there you have a very good thermal performance

00:07:21: with very low thermal impedances and resistances,

00:07:24: but if you take a look on the parasitics of the module,

00:07:28: this will hindering your design with gallium nitride,

00:07:32: and this is something you really need

00:07:33: for GaN to bring this full intrinsic performance

00:07:37: of the gallium nitride switch to the system level.

00:07:39: You need, on the one hand,

00:07:40: a very low inductive package design, but also,

00:07:42: like I mentioned before, with these thermal challenges

00:07:45: because of the small die area,

00:07:46: you need a very good thermally optimized design,

00:07:49: and this is, I think, the main challenge at the moment

00:07:52: because the embedding packages and all the stuff

00:07:55: which were shown in the past on the market,

00:07:57: they're very good in terms of the parasitic design,

00:08:00: the electrical parasitic design, but they have a lack

00:08:03: in thermal design, and in research, there are ideas

00:08:07: to bring this, let's say, both approaches together,

00:08:09: so, for example, with a more advanced embedding,

00:08:12: or so-called sandwich modules, where you try to cool

00:08:16: from both sides and have electrical connections

00:08:18: from both sides, but I think the main challenges there

00:08:21: is that it's still very expensive than the,

00:08:23: this classical approaches with molding or DBC,

00:08:26: and there is a lot of research going on,

00:08:29: and also some companies presented in the past months,

00:08:33: and also, but also years, some, let's say,

00:08:35: first demonstrators with these classical approaches,

00:08:38: but, like I said, there is no free lunch,

00:08:40: so we will always have to do a trade-off

00:08:42: between the thermal performance

00:08:44: and the electrical performance,

00:08:45: and I think this is, at the moment, one thing

00:08:49: where it still needs to do some research,

00:08:51: and also, some application in the markets are necessary

00:08:55: to really design such a model in the end.

00:08:58: - Mm-hmm, sounds interesting, and I think so we will see

00:09:02: in the, let's say, in the next years, some new solutions

00:09:06: on the market from industry as well from the universities

00:09:11: in this direction.

00:09:13: And let's go a little bit deeper to the chip level,

00:09:17: and, as I know, actual blocking voltage of devices

00:09:21: are 650 volts, more or less.

00:09:25: And we have a project at my university

00:09:28: and at Fraunhofer IEE, and combined with several partners,

00:09:33: and we are developing a PV inverter

00:09:35: with a power higher than 100 kilowatt amps.

00:09:39: And our solution

00:09:41: for this three-phase grid connected inverter

00:09:45: is to using the power electronics topology

00:09:48: to solve these problems,

00:09:50: but do you see higher blocking voltage in the near future,

00:09:54: and what are the challenges in this direction?

00:09:57: - Yes, definitely, so there is a lot of research going on

00:10:00: in this direction.

00:10:01: I think the, or in my opinion, the main direction there

00:10:04: is to go to vertical GaN.

00:10:06: So, as I said before, the current transistors you get

00:10:10: in the market are just lateral devices,

00:10:12: so you have the source/drain and gate contacts

00:10:14: all on the top side of the substrate,

00:10:17: and typically, a silicon substrate.

00:10:20: And there is a lot of research going on into direction

00:10:24: to make it like the classical SiC or silicon devices

00:10:27: with a vertical power flow, so that you have the source

00:10:31: and gate connection on the top side

00:10:32: and the drain connection on the bottom side.

00:10:35: So, I think, there, the voltage scaling can be done

00:10:37: by adjusting the drift layer thickness,

00:10:40: and therefore, this is, in my opinion,

00:10:43: will be one of the breakthroughs to go to higher voltages

00:10:47: for gallium nitride.

00:10:49: We are also looking, together with colleagues

00:10:51: from Fraunhofer, ERF, and Freiberg, and Bosch and Ambibox,

00:10:54: in the frame of a project

00:10:56: into lateral 1.2-kV GaN transistors.

00:11:00: And there, one issue is the substrate leakage current,

00:11:05: and therefore, also the breakthrough.

00:11:06: And there we try to improve this behavior

00:11:10: with different kind of substrates,

00:11:11: so in terms of the substrate technology,

00:11:13: there's also a lot of research

00:11:15: which can also maybe enable, in the future,

00:11:17: lateral devices with higher current rating.

00:11:22: I think the oldest development in terms of vertical devices

00:11:26: is mainly later, and also the high power region,

00:11:29: so, for example, as you mentioned,

00:11:30: this 100-kVA solar inverter, but also, I think,

00:11:34: in traction inverters, there is a lot of interest there

00:11:36: because if you can, for example, implement it also

00:11:39: in a silicon substrate, then the potential

00:11:41: to reduce the prices for traction inverters, in my opinion,

00:11:44: is very high because you don't need that high temperatures

00:11:47: as for silicon carbide.

00:11:49: But there are challenges, and, in my opinion,

00:11:52: one of the, also, big challenges

00:11:53: that you somehow lose the advantages of the HEMT structure,

00:11:57: so, I mean, in a lateral HEMT,

00:11:59: you have the two-dimensional electron gas

00:12:02: on top of the transistor, and this is somehow, will be lost

00:12:06: if you go to a vertical concept.

00:12:07: There are adoptions,

00:12:08: but the performance might not be the same

00:12:11: as with the lateral one.

00:12:12: And another challenge,

00:12:14: but this is also what I mentioned before

00:12:16: is currently under investigation, is that the substrates,

00:12:20: at least at the moment, tend to be quite expensive

00:12:22: because if often use GaN-on-GaN substrates,

00:12:25: which are very expensive in the fabrication

00:12:28: or different kind of substrates, and there, I think,

00:12:31: is the current challenges to provide very major substrates

00:12:35: and also cheap substrates to boost this development

00:12:38: in this direction.

00:12:40: - And, hopefully, we will find a solution in the next years

00:12:44: because I think the cost reduction

00:12:46: is a really hard stuff for the industry.

00:12:48: And semiconductor is one enabler then

00:12:51: for maybe new applications, as you said,

00:12:55: using gallium nitride.

00:12:57: So, and I learned in the past

00:13:00: that we will see, in the future,

00:13:02: additional bidirectional blocking semiconductors.

00:13:05: What can they enable?

00:13:07: - Yeah, I think they can enable a lot of new

00:13:11: or improved topologies like the current source inverter,

00:13:14: or there were some publications

00:13:16: where they showed direct AC/AC metrics converters,

00:13:20: where you can really reduce the chip count

00:13:23: or enable topologies which are not feasible

00:13:25: with discrete bidirectional transistors,

00:13:28: so, I mean you can create

00:13:30: this bidirectional blocking capability

00:13:32: with any kind of transistor if you connect them antiserial,

00:13:37: but if you want to have the same RDS(ON) again,

00:13:39: you would need another two additional devices in parallel.

00:13:43: And this is, of course, very costly, and nobody's doing it,

00:13:45: so the topologies, in my opinion, some of them

00:13:48: are already there, but they are not as effective

00:13:50: as with monolithic integrated

00:13:52: bidirectional blocking transistors,

00:13:54: and, I think, what they can really enable is,

00:13:59: and this is not only my opinion,

00:14:01: we still have a very high energy consumption

00:14:03: in the motor drive applications worldwide,

00:14:06: so in all kind of escalators, ACs and so on,

00:14:10: there are very inefficient motor drives in there,

00:14:13: and this consumes around 50% of the worldwide electricity.

00:14:17: And I think if we can, are able to have the very cheap

00:14:21: and also cost-effective and efficient, for example,

00:14:24: current source inverters in this medium to low power regime,

00:14:27: I think you can, there, enable a very good energy savings

00:14:32: in terms of the motor drives.

00:14:35: - Mm-hmm, and in this direction,

00:14:37: I will speak a little bit more with you

00:14:40: because every technology will certainly have its place

00:14:43: in the future.

00:14:45: Where do you see the future areas of applications

00:14:47: for EEF technology, yeah?

00:14:49: You mentioned something before, but for 650 volts,

00:14:53: for 1,200 volts, and for the bidirectional devices.

00:15:00: - Yep, I think they can cover a very, very broad range

00:15:03: of applications, so, I mean this is not only my opinion.

00:15:06: If you take a look on the reports

00:15:08: of the semiconductor companies,

00:15:10: or the market research institutes,

00:15:13: there are a lot of different applications.

00:15:15: I will extend this list to also the low-voltage transistors

00:15:19: because I'm somehow coming from the low-voltage GaN area,

00:15:22: and I think there, the main applications

00:15:25: will be in the 48-volt battery systems in cars,

00:15:30: all kind of auxiliary DC converters there,

00:15:33: to 12-volt for example, and also in the audio

00:15:36: and LIDAR area, there are a lot of applications,

00:15:39: and GaN is already also used there in a lot of use cases.

00:15:44: On the 650 volts side, I see the main applications

00:15:48: in the consumer market.

00:15:49: I mean, they are already there with these laptop chargers

00:15:52: and so on, and all kind of mobile

00:15:55: and data center applications, so the, I mean,

00:15:58: it's well-known that we have an increase

00:16:01: in all this artificial intelligence in the past,

00:16:03: and they consume a lot of computational power,

00:16:06: and therefore, a lot of energy

00:16:08: and different kind of server centers and so on,

00:16:10: and there, I think gallium nitride,

00:16:12: together also with the other semiconductors,

00:16:14: I mean, there will always be silicon

00:16:16: and there will always be silicon carbide,

00:16:18: but together with the other counterparts,

00:16:21: the GaN can really be a boost there.

00:16:25: And, in my opinion, also for smaller solar inverters,

00:16:28: I think that the use of GaN is still feasible.

00:16:31: Maybe not for the high-power ones, as you mentioned,

00:16:34: but in, let's say, in the small, some kilowatt range,

00:16:37: it makes sense.

00:16:39: If you take a look on, from the, let's say,

00:16:41: from the research science

00:16:43: or from the pre-development side, from companies,

00:16:45: I think that also in the onboard charge area,

00:16:48: there will be a use case for gallium nitride

00:16:51: mainly in the 400-volt batteries,

00:16:54: and maybe also in small traction inverters below,

00:16:57: let's say, 50 kilowatts for small vehicles,

00:17:00: scooters or similar, which also use a battery voltage

00:17:04: below 400 volt.

00:17:05: There will be use cases for gallium nitride

00:17:07: because there it's much cheaper than SiC

00:17:10: and much better performing than,

00:17:12: for example, in silicon IGBT.

00:17:14: For the 1,200-volt devices I see applications also

00:17:18: in the onboard charger.

00:17:19: Again, for 800-volt batteries,

00:17:22: solar will be a thing, and also industrial motor drive,

00:17:26: but there you maybe also have to differentiate

00:17:28: between a vertical and lateral GaN,

00:17:31: so lateral GaN, in my opinion,

00:17:33: will always be for a lower power level,

00:17:35: and as soon as we may have vertical GaN transistors,

00:17:39: there might also be a scaling to higher power levels,

00:17:43: in my opinion.

00:17:44: The bidirectional transistors, as I already mentioned,

00:17:47: in these current source inverters,

00:17:49: or in this direct AC to AC conversion.

00:17:52: But there, if you take a look on what the manufacturers

00:17:56: of the bidirectional transistors are saying,

00:17:58: it's currently some kind of a chicken/egg problem.

00:18:01: So they have the transistors, the use cases are there,

00:18:04: but no OEM is currently willing to start a design there

00:18:09: or, let's say, to produce it and,

00:18:12: or sell it in mass production

00:18:13: because there are still some maybe challenges to solve,

00:18:17: but someone maybe has to start first,

00:18:19: and this will also be used on this applications.

00:18:23: - So let's change our view of the things,

00:18:26: and let's have a look at the characterization

00:18:29: of the GaN devices and the modeling of the semiconductors.

00:18:34: What needs to be taken into account?

00:18:36: Please share your experience with us

00:18:38: because it's, I think so really important

00:18:40: for modeling, simulations, and so on.

00:18:44: - Yeah, this fits quite well to our work, what we are doing,

00:18:47: so, I mean, you need very good models

00:18:51: in all this kind of photo prototyping

00:18:53: and digital twin processes, design processes

00:18:56: which are discussed frequently because, I mean,

00:18:59: you can reduce the number of cycles

00:19:01: of a real hardware prototype if you have a good model,

00:19:04: but a good model needs good measurement data

00:19:06: because if you have bad measurement data,

00:19:08: your model can't be good, or it's modeling

00:19:10: not the transistor, but anything else,

00:19:13: and, in my opinion, what definitely has to be considered

00:19:16: that you question or somehow double check the results

00:19:19: of your model because, often,

00:19:21: models you get from manufacturers, they don't include,

00:19:25: for example, a breakdown or similar,

00:19:27: or the temperature is not modeled very well,

00:19:31: and therefore, this is, I mean this is always a trade-off

00:19:34: between the physical fidelity of a module

00:19:36: and the robustness, simulation time or convergence

00:19:39: of a model because you cannot have everything in one model,

00:19:43: and there, in my opinion, the designer

00:19:46: or also the characterization or modeling engineer

00:19:49: always has to do the trade-off between these parameters

00:19:54: and has to ask himself, "Okay, for what use case

00:19:58: do I need this model?

00:19:59: Do I want to make a system-level simulation,

00:20:02: or do I want to characterize device properties, overshoots,

00:20:08: or lost power in the transistor?"

00:20:09: And this is something which, in my opinion,

00:20:12: gets more and more important with GaN

00:20:14: because you need a very good understanding

00:20:17: and a very precise model to showcase this physical perform,

00:20:21: or the performance of gallium nitride,

00:20:23: and, I mean, the reason for this is maybe also well-known,

00:20:27: that devices can switch very fast, and therefore,

00:20:30: the bar parasitics, the measurement equipment,

00:20:33: are playing a crucial role, and then somehow are hindering

00:20:36: to extract the intrinsic design of the transistor,

00:20:39: and you need a very good bandwidth

00:20:41: and linearity measurement equipment,

00:20:44: and also the invasiveness, if you think of a current sensor,

00:20:48: plays a crucial role, and this is something

00:20:50: you really have to consider already

00:20:52: in the characterization process to somehow check,

00:20:55: okay, how am I affecting my transistor

00:20:58: with my measurement circuit, and there,

00:21:01: we are also looking into new measurement techniques,

00:21:03: or, for example, the last years,

00:21:05: the calorimetric measurements came up,

00:21:07: especially for the soft switching loss characterization,

00:21:10: but we also try to extend them

00:21:12: to hard switching evaluation because there,

00:21:14: you don't need to use the measurement equipment,

00:21:18: like current sensors,

00:21:19: and you can really have a very good design

00:21:21: in terms of parasitics and thermal design,

00:21:23: and this is, in my opinion,

00:21:25: something which also have to change in the future,

00:21:27: and also stuff like the normalization standardization

00:21:33: is playing a crucial role because the old norms

00:21:37: from silicon, they are not, maybe not the feasible anymore

00:21:41: to apply for at gallium nitride

00:21:43: because the limits doesn't make sense,

00:21:45: and the switching is much faster, so there will be a change

00:21:49: in all this characterization domain, in my opinion.

00:21:52: - Yeah, that's true.

00:21:53: That's my experience as well, but maybe,

00:21:57: I think it will be a combination

00:21:59: because with the calorimetric system, it's only possible

00:22:03: to, let's say, assume or measure the whole power losses,

00:22:07: and then you need really good models, yeah, to extract,

00:22:10: whether that's the switching or the dynamic losses,

00:22:13: and the static losses.

00:22:14: And so, I think so it will be a combination

00:22:17: of double pulse test as well as calorimetric.

00:22:19: What do you think about this idea?

00:22:22: - Totally agree, so again, I mean,

00:22:25: this is something you have to take into account

00:22:27: if you do a measurement, okay, what are they,

00:22:29: what do I want to extract from the measurement,

00:22:31: and, in my opinion,

00:22:33: so, we are still doing double pulse measurement

00:22:35: because they're easy, they, if you do them well,

00:22:39: if you know your measurement equipment,

00:22:41: you can still get very precise results,

00:22:43: but, again, you always have to take this into account,

00:22:46: and as you said, I think it will be a combination of both.

00:22:51: So you will have the hard switching double parts measurement

00:22:54: as, let's say, the basis, and depending,

00:22:56: if you want to have a hard switching topology,

00:22:59: you might not even need the calorimetric measurements

00:23:02: for the soft switching evaluation if you are saying,

00:23:04: "Okay, I will just have a soft switch converter,"

00:23:09: then you may skip the double parts measurement

00:23:12: because you just need the calorimetric

00:23:14: or the soft switching energy anyhow,

00:23:16: so, both methods will stay in the future,

00:23:19: and I think the future will show how to adapt them

00:23:23: or maybe combine them also in a nice manner

00:23:25: so that you have both in one setup, for example.

00:23:29: - Great, Dominik, in the last minutes,

00:23:31: we discussed the future of power electronics, but for me,

00:23:35: and I think so for the audience, it's really interesting,

00:23:38: what is about your future?

00:23:41: - Yeah, so the short-term goal is somehow to finish my PhD,

00:23:46: to finish my dissertation, because, I mean, it's now,

00:23:49: I'm working on it for five years now,

00:23:51: and now I should try to sum up everything,

00:23:53: but with all these very interesting topics

00:23:57: and all the projects we are doing, it's always,

00:24:01: you get distracted very easily,

00:24:02: and then somehow I have to try to focus on finishing my PhD,

00:24:06: and I don't made any decision.

00:24:09: Let's see what the futures bring.

00:24:11: I mean, I'm somehow open for everything,

00:24:13: and I think we have a lot of interesting topics also

00:24:15: in the future around SiC and GaN power electronics

00:24:18: and a lot of applications, in my opinion,

00:24:21: and, therefore, I'm very looking forward to the future

00:24:24: and the role of power electronics

00:24:26: and GaN and power electronics there.

00:24:29: - Great, thank you, Dominik.

00:24:31: - Thank you.

00:24:32: - To all the listeners, wherever you might be,

00:24:35: thank you very much for listening.

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