Power Electronics in the Energy Transition

Show notes

In episode 8 of "Sound On. Power On.", Frank Osterwald talks about how research, industry, and society, and projects are effectively coordinated by the Society for Energy and Climate Protection Schleswig‐Holstein (also known by its German acronym as the EKSH).

From research into materials and components such as wide bandgap semiconductors, to how island microgrids show a way forward for the smart grids of the future.

Frank Osterwald also investigates how - with almost twice as much renewable generation capacity as can be used locally - green hydrogen is opening opportunities for energy storage, industrial applications, and transport, as well as cross-sector coupling to use the "waste" warmth from electrolysis for district heating.

More information can be found at the EKSH website and LinkedIn-Profile, as well as in this German-language report (MDVC-Opt).

Show transcript

00:00:01: - "Sound On Power On".

00:00:03: Your power electronics podcast powered by PCIM Europe.

00:00:09: - Hello, and welcome to "Sound On Power On".

00:00:12: I'm your host David Haggerty, and today we are looking

00:00:16: at how power electronics fits into the bigger picture

00:00:19: of energy transition and climate protection,

00:00:22: and the concrete steps one of Germany's federal states

00:00:25: is taking to tackle these issues,

00:00:27: through support for research, industry, and society,

00:00:30: and projects from materials and components

00:00:33: to control systems and sector coupling.

00:00:37: To explain this, I am joined by Frank Osterwald,

00:00:40: managing director of the Society for Energy

00:00:43: and Climate Protection of the German state

00:00:45: of Schleswig-Holstein,

00:00:47: also known by its German acronym as the EKSH.

00:00:52: After his first degree in electrical engineering

00:00:54: from the Technical University Berlin,

00:00:56: Frank Osterwald went to the Fraunhofer Institute

00:00:59: for Reliability and Micro Integration

00:01:01: to research his doctorate.

00:01:03: He then went on to various R&D

00:01:05: management and board positions for companies in technologies

00:01:09: such as micro and optical electronics,

00:01:11: and smart card modules.

00:01:13: Most recently, he was director of research

00:01:15: at Danfoss Silicon Power where he was also responsible

00:01:18: for university relations and industry associations.

00:01:22: Today, apart from being a director of PCIM Europe,

00:01:26: and managing director of the EKSH,

00:01:28: Frank Osterwald is also an honorary professor

00:01:31: at the University of Applied Sciences Kiel in Germany.

00:01:34: Welcome, Frank.

00:01:35: - Hello, David.

00:01:37: - The remit of the EKSH is very much

00:01:39: about the many different ways

00:01:41: we can achieve energy and climate goals,

00:01:43: which includes power electronics.

00:01:45: But maybe we could start with an introduction

00:01:48: to the full scope of the EKSH.

00:01:51: - We are having an interesting selection

00:01:53: of stakeholders or shareholders,

00:01:57: which is the state of Schleswig-Holstein

00:02:00: on the one hand side,

00:02:01: and the universities of Schleswig-Holstein

00:02:04: as well as Hanzevac, which is our regional

00:02:08: energy grid operator,

00:02:10: and these three very different shareholders,

00:02:14: they are owning EKSH, and they are giving the mission to us,

00:02:21: which is yeah, funding research

00:02:24: and transfer projects at the universities

00:02:28: together with our strong transfer partners.

00:02:31: For instance, if talking about projects in research,

00:02:37: we are having funded a two years project

00:02:41: in power electronics around

00:02:43: silicon carbide-based charging stations,

00:02:46: which has been driven by one of our advisory board members

00:02:52: in PCIM Europe together with a well known company

00:02:55: around the corner.

00:02:57: And then we are supporting scholarships

00:02:59: in energy and climate.

00:03:01: One of our recipients is focusing

00:03:05: on the optimization of losses in electric machines

00:03:09: by better controlling the eddy currents

00:03:11: in the metal sheet packages of the machine.

00:03:14: And to relate our research projects

00:03:19: to our climate protection goals,

00:03:22: we are currently setting up

00:03:23: an energy transition research roadmap

00:03:27: together with our university.

00:03:29: So first of all, we want to find out what to do,

00:03:33: and second, how to do, which milestones do we need there?

00:03:38: Yeah, in order to make it all come true,

00:03:41: we are supporting municipal projects in energy and climate,

00:03:45: and one of our favorite projects,

00:03:49: or especially one of my favorite projects

00:03:52: has been realized in Busbar.

00:03:54: They are owning a cooperative wind farm and solar farm,

00:03:58: and they had recently installed an electrolyzer

00:04:01: to produce hydrogen, and as an electrolyzer

00:04:06: has an efficiency of just around 30%,

00:04:10: they have excessive heat losses generated in their system.

00:04:14: And in Busbar, these heat losses are used to heat water

00:04:19: up to 80 degrees C using a heat pump,

00:04:23: and then they distribute the heat

00:04:25: in a district heating system so that in the end,

00:04:28: the overall efficiency of the system lies around 95%.

00:04:33: Last not least, we are bringing people together.

00:04:36: In February, EKSH will be the host

00:04:39: of one of our most important energy transition conferences

00:04:43: called The Power Net 2024.

00:04:47: - Energy efficiency is a starting point for sustainability,

00:04:50: which obviously applies to power electronics.

00:04:52: - That has to do with any kind of efficiency

00:04:56: that you can think of.

00:04:58: It might result from building up the systems

00:05:01: using thermally active materials, using low resistance

00:05:09: interconnection techniques and materials,

00:05:12: and it is about the control of components,

00:05:16: it's control of the whole system in the end,

00:05:19: which will bring energy efficiency,

00:05:23: and I think the biggest level of gaining energy efficiency

00:05:28: is when it comes to sector coupling

00:05:31: so that you use heat losses

00:05:33: to feed district heating systems with extra heat,

00:05:38: which then is coming from a green source.

00:05:42: It's from the micro efficiency

00:05:44: to the large system efficiency

00:05:46: that we try to get better here.

00:05:49: - So it's a case of reduce if possible, and if not,

00:05:53: looking into ways of reusing the byproducts.

00:05:56: - Exactly.

00:05:57: - When it comes to efficiency,

00:05:58: it all starts with components and materials.

00:06:01: You mentioned silicon carbide before.

00:06:04: - Yes, we are having a large set of projects

00:06:08: running in research around silicon carbide,

00:06:13: gallium nitride, and other wide band gap materials

00:06:17: to, on the one hand side, better understand

00:06:20: to utilize these new semiconductor materials,

00:06:25: and on the other hand, to better understand

00:06:28: how to package these semiconductor materials,

00:06:33: and to house it, and to protect it

00:06:36: from the environmental impacts that they might suffer from,

00:06:40: and yeah, EKSH is also yeah, sharing some of these

00:06:48: project efforts here by funding, in that case,

00:06:53: a project where SIC is applied in EV charging stations.

00:06:58: - And is this a purely university research project,

00:07:00: or is it already in combination with an industry partner?

00:07:04: - It's a university project which is partnered

00:07:08: with a company here in Schleswig-Holstein,

00:07:11: so this will be the transfer partner

00:07:14: and in the end the knowhow,

00:07:16: which is mainly coming from the universities,

00:07:19: this knowhow will be transferred into industry,

00:07:22: and hopefully, will be transferred into market.

00:07:27: - And this is attractive for the industrial partner

00:07:29: because they're getting a better return on their investment.

00:07:32: - Exactly, and in the end they might also benefit

00:07:36: from the transfer in heads.

00:07:39: So it's the young talents being well educated

00:07:43: and trained on the topic that might,

00:07:46: after finalizing their project,

00:07:48: then start working for the transfer partner,

00:07:53: which is also a quite nice outcome of EKSH funding projects.

00:07:59: - Are these topics that companies

00:08:01: wouldn't finance themselves?

00:08:02: Is there some risk involved in the research?

00:08:05: - The company is carrying a share

00:08:08: of 20% of the cost by being involved by spending materials,

00:08:16: for instance, costly semiconductors,

00:08:18: and by also spending some money

00:08:23: into the project if required.

00:08:25: This is the rules that we have set here in EKSH

00:08:30: for our funding projects.

00:08:33: Typically, these university projects,

00:08:36: they have a certain risk of failing,

00:08:39: and it might be that companies

00:08:43: wouldn't enter into that project on their own

00:08:47: because of the risk, but also because

00:08:50: of a very long period after finalizing the project

00:08:57: before you really will be able to earn money with.

00:09:00: So it's a long return of investment,

00:09:03: and this can then be covered by funds of EKSH.

00:09:10: - You mentioned both wind and solar,

00:09:12: so are these important drivers

00:09:14: for sustainable development in Schleswig-Holstein?

00:09:17: - So renewable energies

00:09:20: are quite widely spread in Schleswig-Holstein.

00:09:24: We are having wind on land, we are having wind at sea,

00:09:28: and we are having many, many solar parks in the meantime.

00:09:33: So that's one of the reasons why Schleswig-Holstein believes

00:09:37: that they are renewable energy sources.

00:09:41: Land, number one, and they are also aiming

00:09:44: for be the first industry land that is mainly powered

00:09:50: by renewable energy sources.

00:09:52: And to achieve that goal, we need to be attractive

00:09:55: for industry companies in Schleswig-Holstein

00:10:00: by providing them, yes on the one hand side

00:10:03: achievable renewable energies, and at the same time,

00:10:08: we also need to present them new talents.

00:10:12: Yesterday, we got the last decision in Schleswig-Holstein

00:10:18: to let Northvolt start with their battery cell production,

00:10:26: and Schleswig-Holstein is quite proud

00:10:28: of having attracted Northvolt to set up their business,

00:10:33: and to set up the production plant here at our west coast.

00:10:38: And therefore, EKSH is also providing

00:10:43: this transfer projects in order to allow

00:10:48: for getting touch to people,

00:10:51: getting touch to recent research results,

00:10:56: and to boost the business around renewables,

00:10:59: and also wind projects are boosted here also.

00:11:04: Solar research is boosted here, but all in all,

00:11:09: it's about the whole energy system

00:11:11: that we try to get even better in Schleswig-Holstein

00:11:17: by linking research to municipalities, to companies,

00:11:22: and to the society in general.

00:11:25: - When you say linking and the whole energy system,

00:11:28: this could also be interpreted in terms of the grid.

00:11:31: - We are also trying to do research on energy grids.

00:11:38: There are some special situations

00:11:41: here in Schleswig-Holstein, so let's call it micro grids

00:11:45: where we can have some studies on how these grids are run,

00:11:51: how stable they are, how robust they are

00:11:56: towards breakdown and blackouts, and so on and so forth,

00:12:00: and so we also try to provide

00:12:03: these special micro grid situations as laboratory setups

00:12:10: for further research projects.

00:12:13: - Micro grid just refers to the fact that they're local,

00:12:15: or is there something special to finding a micro grid?

00:12:18: - No, no, that refers to being a local grid,

00:12:21: an island we are having a grid,

00:12:24: which is at least potentially cut off

00:12:28: the rest of the energy grid in Schleswig-Holstein.

00:12:32: They are having a battery storage plant,

00:12:36: and they might survive for hours and days

00:12:39: even when being plugged off the rest of the grid.

00:12:45: - So you're able to learn from these isolatable grids

00:12:48: because they're a sort of natural experiment?

00:12:50: - At least what we are trying to do

00:12:54: is to understand what happens

00:12:57: if you are having a multiplicity of island grids.

00:13:03: If they play together, what happens then?

00:13:06: Are there then even more robust or more stable

00:13:10: if these islands can either be plugged together,

00:13:15: or playing as an island grid.

00:13:17: All these different connections,

00:13:19: all these opportunities that you have

00:13:23: in these different island grids,

00:13:26: that should be well understood.

00:13:29: - And this is to do with the fact

00:13:30: that more and more renewable energy

00:13:32: is going to be decentrally produced,

00:13:34: and micro grids let us evaluate challenges now

00:13:37: that wider grids will be facing soon.

00:13:40: - Exactly.

00:13:41: The decentral grids, they are providing

00:13:45: some extra challenges to the grid operators.

00:13:49: For instance, if you would have asked Hanzevac

00:13:52: as our regional grid operator a couple of years ago,

00:13:55: how many power plants do you have in your responsibility,

00:14:01: they would have answered that yes,

00:14:03: this is around four bigger power plants,

00:14:06: nuclear power plant, and gas power plants, and so on.

00:14:12: And if you ask them today, they would probably answer

00:14:16: that around 40 to 50,000 power plants

00:14:20: are within their responsibility.

00:14:23: That's a huge change in how to build the grid,

00:14:27: and a huge change in how to control and run the grid.

00:14:32: - Okay, sticking with the grids for a second,

00:14:35: you're also researching smart transformers in this context?

00:14:40: - Yes, smart transformers are believed to be the future

00:14:43: in our decentral energy grids.

00:14:47: We are now seeing that the grid operators,

00:14:51: they are installing many, many huge transformers.

00:14:55: A switch towards a power electronics smart transformer

00:15:00: will provide two good opportunities.

00:15:05: The one is that via power electronics,

00:15:07: you will get access to all the data

00:15:11: in the transformer and about the grid, and at the same time,

00:15:17: you might get away from copper

00:15:19: and go towards semiconductor materials,

00:15:23: which is not as scarce resource as copper

00:15:27: will turn out to be in the future.

00:15:31: - One of the biggest challenges of the energy transition

00:15:33: is to get away from fossil fuels for heating.

00:15:36: Do you see challenges relevant

00:15:37: to power electronics here too?

00:15:40: - So if it comes to heating,

00:15:43: I think this is the most complicated transition

00:15:48: that we are having before us,

00:15:50: at least in Germany and in Schleswig-Holstein.

00:15:54: We might think of switching to heat pumps

00:15:59: in individual households, which will require

00:16:02: power electronics to control the compressor

00:16:06: in the heat pump optimally.

00:16:09: Otherwise, we would lose efficiency in the heat pump.

00:16:12: And the second way of playing it

00:16:16: would be with the district heating systems,

00:16:19: and the good question is how to feed

00:16:23: the district heating system with fossil free energies.

00:16:28: So currently, it might be a gas power plant,

00:16:31: or a coal power plant that is bringing electricity

00:16:36: to the electric power grid at the same time

00:16:38: as bringing the excessive heat

00:16:41: into the district heating system.

00:16:44: And in the future, it might be for instance

00:16:47: geothermal energy being used to generate

00:16:51: both the electric power, as well as the heat energy there.

00:16:57: And again, there it comes to power electronics

00:17:01: required for the geothermal exploration.

00:17:04: - And when you talk about controlling pumps efficiently,

00:17:07: do you mean in terms of the local control,

00:17:09: or does this encompass controlling

00:17:11: the repercussions for the grid?

00:17:13: - It might be both, in fact.

00:17:15: So it's the local control

00:17:17: in order to run the system efficiently,

00:17:20: and it's also the global aspect

00:17:23: of being used optimally for the grid stability

00:17:30: using a certain system, at a certain time,

00:17:33: with a certain power level, and so on.

00:17:36: So to provide grid stability,

00:17:40: it will be allowed to our grid operators

00:17:42: to switch on and switch off

00:17:46: certain energy consumers in their grid.

00:17:50: - These are big changes,

00:17:51: not just for energy suppliers and grid operators.

00:17:54: This is a new way for consumers

00:17:55: to think about utility companies.

00:17:58: - To get people on board for the energy transition,

00:18:03: I think this is a prerequisite

00:18:05: for the success of the energy transition,

00:18:09: and if you would like to enhance this acceptance

00:18:15: for all these measures in energy transition,

00:18:18: you need to let the people benefit from this solution.

00:18:23: So if people find out

00:18:24: that their personal energy transition

00:18:27: is really bringing money back,

00:18:30: they really can get mobility for free let's say,

00:18:35: or they can really get their electric power from the roof,

00:18:41: that would be something which people

00:18:44: really much better accept than if you just tell them

00:18:48: this has to be done, and please be part of it

00:18:51: even though you won't find any benefit in it.

00:18:55: Furthermore, you might have to spend much more money

00:18:58: on energy in the future.

00:19:00: That's it.

00:19:01: No, this is not how to get people.

00:19:04: To get people, it's to allow them

00:19:07: to find their own solutions, to get their benefit out of it,

00:19:12: to invest in future solutions,

00:19:15: and to harvest the benefits later on.

00:19:18: - I know one of the problems Germany faces

00:19:21: is distributing the renewable energy

00:19:23: from places like Schleswig-Holstein throughout the country.

00:19:26: So apart from boosting local use,

00:19:28: a good topic to touch on here

00:19:30: would also be the green hydrogen advances

00:19:32: that you're making.

00:19:34: - Green hydrogen plays a big role

00:19:36: in the energy transition plans in Schleswig-Holstein.

00:19:40: Currently, we are having round about 170%

00:19:45: of the electric energy that we need generated.

00:19:49: We should make green hydrogen

00:19:52: using this excessive electric energy,

00:19:56: and store the green hydrogen,

00:19:59: and then maybe re-electrify it later on

00:20:04: so that we are just having hydrogen as a storage medium.

00:20:09: Or what is an even better idea is to use the hydrogen,

00:20:14: for instance, to fire industrial processes,

00:20:18: high energy processes in industry,

00:20:21: and we are having such kind of industry,

00:20:24: we are having companies in the chemical business,

00:20:30: and they can make use of ammonia,

00:20:33: they can use hydrogen in their products and processes,

00:20:37: and this is something which lies

00:20:40: within the green hydrogen strategy of Schleswig-Holstein,

00:20:45: and EKSH is supporting this strategy,

00:20:49: this green hydrogen strategy.

00:20:52: - If you were to sum this up

00:20:53: and put it in the context of people, profit, and planet,

00:20:56: how do you see the significance

00:20:59: of power electronics looking forward?

00:21:02: - I think the importance

00:21:04: of coming to a sustainable growth

00:21:08: in power electronics business

00:21:10: is because of we will find power electronics

00:21:14: everywhere in the future.

00:21:16: So there is nearly no application

00:21:19: where no power electronics will be involved in the solution.

00:21:24: The more sustainable we produce

00:21:27: our power electronic products,

00:21:29: and the more reliable they are, so long living,

00:21:33: and the more recyclability we are putting

00:21:38: into these projects, the better for the future.

00:21:42: So then the electronic waste

00:21:44: will not fully pollute our Earth,

00:21:48: and that would be a great achievement.

00:21:50: But we could have a look

00:21:51: in the different sectors of the energy transitions

00:21:57: to find out where in practical life

00:22:01: power electronics will be placed.

00:22:04: It will be definitely a part in mobility and transportation,

00:22:09: so we will find even more battery driven vehicles,

00:22:13: as well as hydrogen-driven cars, bikes, trucks, coaches,

00:22:19: boats, ships, planes, and helicopters,

00:22:22: and all of those they will be using power electronics.

00:22:26: Even more trains will have to be electrified,

00:22:30: and if hydrogen is used as an energy carrier,

00:22:35: also power electronics will be used

00:22:38: in connection with the fuel cells in the power grid itself.

00:22:42: We already talked about power electronics

00:22:46: being used for making smart transformers,

00:22:50: or smart mega volt, short couplings, control systems,

00:22:55: and also in the energy storage systems.

00:22:57: Think of batteries which need to be

00:23:00: charged and discharged efficiently.

00:23:03: - And if we also put people into this picture?

00:23:06: - It's also about talents.

00:23:09: We need to understand the energy flow

00:23:12: in a power electronic systems fully,

00:23:14: not just the electrical part of it.

00:23:17: So it will require the understanding

00:23:20: of electronics and thermodynamics as well.

00:23:25: Power electronic engineers,

00:23:27: they will be multi talents in the future,

00:23:30: and they are already.

00:23:33: And as in knowing everything

00:23:34: is a domain of a huge community,

00:23:36: our power electronics engineers

00:23:39: will have to be communication talents as well,

00:23:43: and it's so many professionals being involved

00:23:47: from, yeah, legal specialists, to technical specialists,

00:23:53: to social specialists, and so on.

00:23:57: So PE specialists with team spirit and communication skills

00:24:01: will be the most required resources in the future,

00:24:06: and there EKSH is trying to do good in that.

00:24:11: And we need to understand each other,

00:24:13: we need to work together, and we need to focus on the goals

00:24:16: on climate protection and transition, and so on.

00:24:21: - Thank you very much, Frank,

00:24:22: for your valuable insights into the big picture,

00:24:24: and the role of power electronics in this.

00:24:28: If anything in this episode has sparked your interest,

00:24:30: there are links to the specific

00:24:32: EKSH project in the transcript,

00:24:34: as well as links to many other EKSH projects

00:24:37: and areas of activity.

00:24:39: If you found this episode useful,

00:24:41: please remember to subscribe for future episodes,

00:24:45: and if you think this episode

00:24:46: or the podcast itself would be of interest

00:24:48: to anybody you know, please do share it.

00:24:52: For "Sound On Power On," and to the PCIM Europe,

00:24:55: I'm David Haggerty, and I look forward to our next episode.

00:25:00: (gentle music)

00:25:02: - We hope you enjoyed this edition

00:25:03: of "Sound On Power On" powered by PCIM Europe.

00:25:07: Do subscribe and share.

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